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The Next Generation of Insects and Insecticides Essay

The Next Generation of Insects and Insecticides - Essay Example Creepy crawlies are life forms which are viewed as generally various in a...

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Hug Your Customers - 1087 Words

Hug Your Customer Jessica Gallentine By: Jack Mitchell Published by: Hyperion Copyright: 2003 Pages: 271 There are eight parts to this book they are: Hugging 101: the principles of passionate customer service From three suits to three thousand: evolving a hugging organization The big secret: how to hire and retain great associates Olive doesn t work here anymore: you can t compete with technology Game day: It s about playing to win The formula: have an economic model We love mistakes: what to do when you mess up The power of new: constantly freshen your hugging culture Part 1: Hugging 101 In part one they talk about how if you sell with passion you will develop long-term loyal†¦show more content†¦Your customers know what they need, you do not have to tell them. Part 6: The formula Analyze your economic formula, the focus of this must be that you only spend money if it positively effects your customers. Also integrity is key, this especially applies to finances, and is more important than ever. Part 7: We love mistakes The key is to look at mistakes as challenges and opportunities, not problems! Although customers will always remember when you mess up, they will remember more is what you did to fix it. The best way to do this is to follow this 5 step plan: recognize your mistake admit to your mistake apologize fix it give the customer a hug One great way to avoid mistakes is to as customers how you are doing. It is the only true way to find out what you could do better. So ask, listen, and learn. Part 8: The power of new You always need something new, core products and services are not enough. Customers want new hip things. If you don t change with the times, you get left behind. You must think outside of the box, don t be afraid to share ideas with a noncompeting business. Sometimes swapping ideas is the best way to get out of your comfort zone.(its a good thing) Lastly raise the bar. If you ve met you goals great! But now its time for new ones. The three things I have found useful in this book are that everyone should be on the floor, keeping a dataShow MoreRelatedHow My Love For Starbucks Extends Beyond Life801 Words   |  4 Pagestumbles off of the counter and spills onto the man’s loafers. Naturally, I grab the mop and set up a recovery card for the man with chai all over his shoes. â€Å"I’m so sorry, sir! Please take this card and use it for a free item off the menu! We can pay for your shoes to be cleaned as well,† I apologized. The man scowled at me and then rolled his eyes. He growled, â€Å"I expect a fresh drink in my hand! What a pain! 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